218 Kerstin Kunz and Erich Steiner
Contrary to one, the nominal substitute same in English may refer to an NP ante-
cedent, thus functioning as a pro-NP. In German, there is an interesting systemic
distinction at this point between das Gleiche, establishing type-reference, and das-
selbe, establishing individualized co-reference, bringing the construction closer to
comparative reference than to substitution.
As stated in Quirk et al. (1985: 873) the same may also substitute for a prepo-
sitional phrase, an adjective phrase, or even a nominal clause:
(25) Yesterday I felt under the weather, and today I feel the same.
(26) The soup smells delicious, and the turkey smells the same.
(27) A: (I say) Oxford is likely to win the next boat race.
B: I say the same. [= that Oxford is likely to win the next boat race, too]
English does not seem to have an unambiguous nominal substitution form
for non-countables, because occurrences of some can be analyzed as ellipsis.
Furthermore, the function of same in English as a substitute seems to be that of a
generalized accented substitute (Halliday & Hasan 1976: 112), with German das-
selbe covering a more limited set of functions within the generalized area.
Most of the substituting instances of same in the English subcorpora occur
clause-internally and may therefore not be regarded as cohesive in the strict
sense. Other instances refer rather vaguely to previous stretches of text, as shown
in (28):
(28) Some have expressed doubts about the capacity for Middle Eastern people
for democracy and self government. Many said the same about Germany and
Japan at the end of World War II. [EO_SPEECH]
Viele haben nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs das Gleiche über Deutschland
und Japan gesagt. [GTRANS_SPEECH]
The corresponding form das Gleiche is employed in the German translation. Note
that dasselbe could not be used instead as this would evoke co-reference. There are
several forms in the German subcorpora which trigger a corresponding or similar
meaning relation as the same in English: das Gleiche and dasselbe plus morpho-
logical variants, dergleichen, Gleiches, sowas/so etwas. However, of all these forms
only masculine/feminine der-/dieselbe is found to function as a substitute for a
preceding nominal construction:
(29) Die Herausforderung ist weltweit stets dieselbe: Waren, Informationen und
Finanzwerte müssen zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort sein. [GO_WEB]
At heart, the challenge is worldwide always the same: to deliver goods, infor-
mation and key financials to the right place at the right time.