246 Jennifer Herriman
ii. Clause-internal evaluations
Clause-internal evaluations are simple clauses where the attitudinal meaning is
realised clause internally by modal verbs, e.g. kunde “could” in (23), or verbs with
modal meaning, e.g. supposed to in (24), by adverbials, either initial, e.g. Not sur-
prisingly in (25) or medial, e.g. usually in (26).
(23) För barn födda 1963 kunde de klassrelaterade skillnaderna åter påvisas
(Lindgren and Cernerud 1992). (CP1)
‘For children born 1963 could the classrelated differences again be
For children born in 1963 it was possible once again to demonstrate class-
related differences (Lindgren and Cernerud 1992). (CP1T)
(24) In the evenings we’re supposed to do the dishes – “Rattle them up,” our mother
calls it. (MA1)
På kvällarna är det vår uppgift att ta hand om disken “skramla omkring – den”,
kallar mor det. (MA1T)
‘In the evenings it is our task to take care of the dishes ...’
(25) Not surprisingly, no attempt to understand life can ignore it.
Det är inte förvånande att man inte heller kan bortse från den när man vill
förstå livet. (JL1T)
‘It is not surprising that one not either can ignore it when one wants to under-
stand life’
(26) Det var vanligt att dom på söndagarna drack kaffe hos Elna. (SC1)
‘It was usual that they ...’
Eriksson and Oman usually had coffee at Elna’s on Sunday. (SC1T)
Some clause-internal evaluations are realised by adjectives, e.g. likely in (27), in
tough movement (i.e. where the subject of the subordinate clause has been moved
into subject position (Huddleston & Pullum 2002: 1247)) and by nominals, e.g.
part of his tasks in (28).
(27) As it was, he was likely to go down for seven years. (RR1)
Som det nu såg ut var det troligt att han skulle åka in på sju år. (RR1T)
‘As it now appeared was it likely that he should ...’
(28) Han vet, för det ingår i uppgifterna att hålla kungen orienterad om totalförs-
varet och ordna besök – även för en intresserad drottning. (GAPG1)
‘He knows, for it is a part of the tasks to keep ...’