Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson

(Joyce) #1

Tertia comparationis in multilingual corpora 15

we find all nine instantiated in the data. Examples (17) to (19) all contain between
in English, but vary as to the form in French, (17b) containing entre, (18b) another
preposition, and (19b) a divergent construction.

(17) a. “If you could choose between Vera and Laura now, who would you pick?
b. Si tu avais le choix entre Véra et Laura, laquelle choisirais-tu? (JG3TF)

(18) a. The organ controlling speech is hidden between the chambers of the brain.
b. L’organe du langage est caché au milieu des chambres cérébrales. (NF1TF)

(19) a. Scarcely a word was exchanged between us on our stroll across the church-
yard; (BHH1TE)
b. En traversant le cimetière pour rentrer, c’est à peine si nous avons échangé
un mot; (BHH1TF)

In Examples (20) to (22) the English tokens encode ‘betweenness’ by means of a
preposition other than between, while one French version (20b) contains entre,
one (21b) contains an alternative preposition (à travers) and one (22b) a divergent

(20) a. She stood among the beach rocks, naked. (HW2TE)
b. Elle était nue entre les pierres. (HW2TF)

(21) a. Shafts of sunlight slipped through the building’s framework and criss-
crossed one another. (HW2TE)
b. La lumière passait à travers les planches, et les rayons se croisaient.
(22) a. One would be hard put to find any brotherly or sisterly love among the
children at Nether Hov. (BHH1TE)
b. Les cinq enfants de Hov-le-Bas ne donnaient pas l’impression de vivre
dans l’amour qui unit les membres d’une fratrie. (BHH1TF)

Finally, in Examples (23) to (25) the English tokens encode ‘betweenness’ by
means of a divergent construction, while one French version (23b) contains entre,
one (24b) contains an alternative preposition (de) and one (25b) a divergent

(23) a. Because she certainly must know me well enough to realize that there can
never be any question of Mini-Tarzan and me hitting it off. (KF1TE)
b. Car elle me connaît quand même assez bien pour savoir qu’entre mini-
Tarzan et moi il est totalement exclu que des relations puissent s’établir.

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