Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 277
(13) Quizás para curarse en salud, el tribunal se cuida de delimitar el objeto de su veredicto,
negando que pueda extenderse “a valoraciones ajenas al objeto procesal ni a la conducta
de personas no acusadas y sobre las que, en consecuencia, no se ha practicado prueba ni
se ha formado convicción alguna”. ‘Perhaps to be on the safe side, the Court is careful to
delimit its verdict....’
(14) Pero es difícil admitir que indagar sobre la existencia y naturaleza de la misión que
parece haber condicionado la conducta del principal acusado sea tarea ajena al tribunal,
bien directamente, bien por deducción de testimonio. ‘But it is difficult to admit that...’
(15) Las familias de las víctimas tienen motivos para estar satisfechas. Sobre todo, tras los
iniciales obstáculos de la propia justicia, reacia a actuar, y la escasa atención inicial de la
opinión pública a su lucha por la exigencia de responsabilidades. ‘The victim’s families
have reasons to be satisifed.’
(16) La impunidad no ha prevalecido, pero queda pendiente saber por qué los acusados
actuaron como lo hicieron. ‘Impunity has not prevailed, but...’
(33) Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French head of the International Monetary
Fund, escaped dismissal for a one-night stand with a subordinate today, but
was denounced by board members for a “serious error of judgment.” The
fund’s managing director was allowed to remain in his post after an investiga-
tion cleared him of accusations of harassment, favouritism and abuse of power
over his affair with Piroska Nagy, a Hungarian economist.
(Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF,
escapes dismissal over affair. Report 1)
(34) Un “serio error de juicio”, algo “lamentable”, pero sin sombra de acoso, favor-
itismo o abuso de autoridad. La aventura amorosa de Dominique Strauss-
Kahn, director gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional, con una empleada
recibió carpetazo el sábado (madrugada del domingo en España) con la sen-
tencia absolutoria del comité ejecutivo de la institución financiera.
(Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn. Report 1)
‘A Serious misjudgment, something ‘lamentable’, but with no trace of harass-
ment, favoritism or abuse of authority. The love affair of DSK, IMF’s managing
director, with an employee was shelved on Saturday (early Sunday in Spain)
with an acquittal by the financial institution’s executive committee.’
The greater simplicity and lesser extension of reports seem to point to a generic
structure roughly consisting of the moves specified below, in both English and
Spanish. As seen in Examples (33) and (34) above, when there is evaluation, this
seems to be integrated within a fact-presenting clause rather than appearing as a
move of its own:
Move 0 Headline
Move 1 Presenting the issue
Move 2 Facts about the issue