English affixal negation translated into Spanish 77
Table 15. Control CREA: no + (positive) lexical item, quantitative data^12
Query item Population (N)
no arios 15,047
no centrista 15,038
no anticuada 15,001
no contiguos 14,997
no afiliados 14,961
no alimenticias 14,937
no aleatoria 14,918
no conceptual 14,865
no blancas 14,263
Total 134,027
Table 16. Control CREA: quantifier/degree, quantitative data^13
Query item Population (N)
poco frecuentes 63
poco frecuente 56
poco probable 39
poco habitual 24
poco importante 23
poco eficaz 9
poco inteligente 8
poco desarrollados 8
poco amable 7
poco práctico 6
Total 243
5.1 Verification of target language fit
In order to determine whether the frequency of the resources identified as Spanish
translations of English affixal negation is the same in translated and non-translated
Spanish, two statistical tests known as p-value and z were applied to the diagnostic
and control data. The working hypothes was that the distribution of usage in non-
translated language differs from native usage. Therefore, when the two proportions
are compared, the p-value is expected to be lower than 0.05, which is the error
- English equivalents (of Adj): Aryan, centrist, old-fashioned, adjacent, affiliated, nourishing/
nutritious, random, conceptual, white. - English equivalents (of Adj): frequent (sing. and pl.), probable, habitual, important, effective,
intelligent, developed, pleasant, practical.