A Reading Course in Homeric Greek, Book 2

(Wang) #1

Book Six

Still angry because of Odysseus’ blinding
of his son Polyphemus, Poseidon wrecks
Odysseus’ raft as he sails near Scheria,
the island of the Phaeacians. The nymph
Leucothea and the goddess Athena save him
from the storm. Odysseus manages to swim
ashore at the mouth of a river; he supplicates

the river-god for help, the current becomes
still, and Odysseus climbs ashore. His body
swollen and exhausted, he lies down in a bed
of rushes and kisses the earth. Odysseus then
finds a sheltered spot in the woods to sleep the
night, and he buries himself in a pile of leaves.
Athena pours sleep upon his eyes.


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