Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

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Culbertson, Jennifer, and David Adger. 2 014. Language learners privilege structured
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Fazio, Patrik, Anna Cantagallo, Laila Crai ghero, Alessandro D’Ausilio, Alice C. Roy,
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Friederici, Angela D. 2006. Broca’s area and the ventral premotor cortex in language:
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Friederici, Angela D. 2009. Pathways to language: Fiber tracts in the human brain.
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Friederici, Angela D. 2011. The brain differentiat es hierarchical and probabilistic
grammars. In of minds and language, eds. Massimo, Piattelli-Palmarini, Juan
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Friederici, Angela D., Jörge Bahlmann, Stefan Heim, Ricarda I. Schubotz, and Alfred
Anwander. 2006. The brain differentiates human and non-human grammars: func-
tional localization and structural connectivity. PNAS 103(7):2458–2463.
Fujita, Koji. 2014. Recursive merge and human langu age evolution. In Recursion:
complexity in cognition, eds. Tom Roeper and Margaret Speas, 243–264. New
York: Springer.

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