Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

Tettamanti, Marco, Irene Rotondi, Daniela Perani, Giuseppe Scotti, Ferrucc io Fazio,
Stefano F. Cappa, and Andrea Moro. 2009. Syntax without language: Neurological
evidence for cross-domain syntactic computations. Cortex 45(7):825–838.
Tettamanti, Marco, and Dorothea Weniger. 2006 Broca’s area: A supramodal hier-
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Wagers, Matthew W. 2014. Syntax in forward and in reverse. In The Routledge
handbook of syntax, eds. Andrew Carnie, Yosuke Sato and Daniel Siddipi, 409–425.
New York: Routledge.
Weiller, Cornelius, Mariachristina Musso, Michel Rijntjes, and Dorothee Saur. 2012.
Please don’t underestimate the ventral pathway in language. Trends in Cognitive
Sciences 13 (9):369–370.
Yang, Charles. 2002. Knowledge and learning in natural language. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Yusa, Noriaki. 2012a. Srtucture dependence in the brain. In Five approaches to
l anguage evolution. Proceedings of the workshops of the 9th International Conference
on the Evolution of Language, 25–26. Kyoto: Evolang9 Organizing Committee.
Yusa, Noriaki. 2012b. Hierarchical structure and recursive computation in Broca’s
area. In Constructing evolutionary linguistics, eds. Koji Fujita and Kazuo Okanoya,
77–94. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
Yusa, Noriaki. 2015. Remarks on the study of language evolution. In The design,
development and evolution of language: Exploration in biolinguistics eds. Koji Fujita,
Naoki Fukui, Noriaki Yusa, and Masayuki Ike-uchi, 128–155. Tokyo: Kaitakush.
Yusa, Noriaki, Masatoshi Koizumi, Jungho Kim, Naoki Kimura, Shinya Uchida,
Naoki Miura, Ryuta Kawashima, and Hiroko Hagiwara. 2011. Second-language
instinct and instruction effects: Nature and nurture in second-language acquisition.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(10):2716–2730.

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