Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

274 Index

encoding (working memory operation)
endocentricity 9–13, 20, 24–5
endophenotypes of language disorders
265–6; syntactic networks as 265
English 53–5
environment 160, 162–4
episodic buffer 105
EPP 199
Equilibrium Intactness Condition (EIC)
20–1, 23–4, 26n6, 26n7, 26n8
evidence: archaeological/paleoan-
thropological 190–1; genetic 191–2
Evo-Devo 154–5, 159, 161; and
language disorders 264
evolutionary biology 154–5
evolutionary linguistics 141, 146
evolvability 145
exaptation 142, 148
exocentricity 11, 20, 24
exoskeletality 118
expectation 85–91
experiencer 204–5
extended synthesis 150, 160; see also
modern synthesis
externalization 130–1, 134, 136, 137,
142, 164, 200
External Merge 11–13, 15, 17, 19–21,
24, 33–5, 208, 209n5; see also
Merge; Internal Merge

faculty of language 69; in the broad
sense (FLB) 145, 154, 156–9;
development of 261–4; in the narrow
sense (FLN) 145, 154–9
fallacy: of communication 141; of
continuity 146; of a single origin 145
featural symmetry 16–17, 19
feature-chain 36–7; see also agreement
feature-equilibrium 16, 18–19
feature Merge 201; see also Merge
feature selection 201
Fitch, W. T. 157–8
fMRI 223
formal feature 51–2
FP see functional projection
Frank, S. 217
Friederici, A. 224
Fujita, K. 226n5
functional projection 201

Galilean style 178
Galileo’s science of motion 173–5,

generative linguistics 153
genes 159–63, 165
genetic blueprint 154
geneticism 162
genocentrism 161, 166
genotype 162–3, 165
German 85, 87–9
global broadcast 108, 116–18
global workspace 106–8, 114,
116–18, 121
globularity 164
goal 204–5
grammar 119–22
grammaticalization 161
Greenfield, P. M. 148

Haeberli, E. 199
Hauser, M. D. 158
head-marking languages 52–3
head-movement 13–15, 18–19, 25n4
Hindi 89–90
hippocampus 231
Huanglong 191
Husain, S. 89–90

I-language 159–61
IM see Internal Merge
inheritance 189
inhibition (working memory operation)
104, 108
internalization 142
Internal Merge 11–13, 15, 18–21, 24,
33–4, 40–1, 208, 209n5; see also
Merge; External Merge
inverted-Y model 115–16

Jackendoff, R. 143, 158
Japanese 22–4, 49, 52–4, 56–9, 61–2
Jebel Faya 191
Jonides, J. 110–11

Keller, F. 87–91
Kisongo Maasai 133, 135–7
Konieczny, L. 85–91
Kuroda, S.-Y. 22

Label 38, 115, 117–20; see also labeling
labeling 10, 32–3, 37–9, 43n18, 51, 53,
60, 62n5, 189
language disorders: comorbidity
between 256–7, 259, 263;
de-canalization and 264–5;
developmental trajectories of 256–7,
263; diagnostic tests for 259–60;
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