Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

Kuroda, S.-Y. 1992. Japanese syntax and semantics: Collected papers. Dordrecht,
Netherlands: Kluwer.
Moro, Andrea. 2000. Dynamic antisymmetry. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Narita, Hiroki, and Naoki Fukui. 2012. Merge and (a)symmetry. ms. Waseda Institute
for Advanced Study and Sophia University. Paper presented by the second author
at the Kyoto Conference on Biolinguistics, Kyoto University, March 12, 2012.
Narita, Hiroki, and Naoki Fukui. 2014. Toji kozo no naishinsei to taishosei ni tsuite
[On the notions of endocentricity and symmetry in syntactic structures]. In Gengo
no Sekkei, Hattatsu, Shinka: Seibutsugengogaku Tankyu [The design, development
and evolution of language: Explorations in biolinguistics], ed. Koji Fujita, Naoki
Fukui, Noriaki Yusa, and Masayuki Ikeuchi, 37–65. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
Ohta, Shinri, Naoki Fukui, and Kuniyoshi L. Sakai. 2013. Syntactic computation in
the human brain: The degree of merger as a key factor. PLoS ONE 8(2):e56230.
Pollock, Jean-Yves. 1989. Verb movement, Universal Grammar and the structure of
IP. Linguistic Inquiry 20:365–424.
Richards, Marc D. 2007. On feature inheritance: An argument from the phase
impenetrability condition. Linguistic Inquiry 38:563–572.

28 Hiroki Narita and Naoki Fukui

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