Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

Saito, Mamoru. 1985. Some asymmetries in Japanese and their theoretical implications.
Doctoral dissertation, MIT.
Sakai, Hiromu. 1994. Complex NP constraint and case-conversions in Japanese. In
Current topics in English and Japanese, ed. Masaru Nakamura, 179–203. Tokyo:
Hituzi Syobo.
Ura, Hiroaki. 2000. Checking theory and grammatical functions in universal grammar.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Watanabe, Akira. 1994. A crosslinguistic perspective on Japanese nominative-genitive
conversion and its implications for Japanese syntax. In Current topics in English
and Japanese, ed. Masaru Nakamura, 341–369. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.
Watanabe, Akira. 1996. Nominative-genitive conversion and agreement in Japanese:
A cross-linguistic perspective. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 5:373–410.
Zushi, Mihoko. 2005. Deriving the similarities between Japanese and Italian: A case
study in comparative syntax. Lingua 115:711–752.
Zushi, Mihoko. 2014a. Kaku to heigoo (Case and merge). In Gengo no sekkei, hat-
tatu, sinka (The design, development and evolution of language: Explorations in
biolinguistics), ed. Koji Fujita, Naoki Fukui, Yusa Noriaki, and Masayuki Ike-uchi,
66–96. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
Zushi, Mihoko. 2014b. Merge-based case valuation in Japanese. Paper presented at
the 29th Annual Meeting of Sophia University Linguistics Society.

66 Mihoko Zushi

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