A Quick & Easy Guide to
Queer & Trans Identities
Writing | Bonnie Evie Gifford
From sexuality and gender identity, to coming out,
navigating relationships, and learning to love yourself,
cartoonists Mady and JR explain the spectrum of
experiences around queer and trans life
inding ways to share,
debate, and help educate
others on concepts that
are new, complicated, or
hard to articulate, can be
both challenging and immensely
rewarding. The latest book from
Limerence Press, the publishers
behind A Quick & Easy Guide To
They/Them Pronouns (a must-
read), turns the complex and often
sensitive subject of queer and trans
identities into a colourful, engaging,
and thought-provoking read.
Covering a broad range of essential
topics, A Quick & Easy Guide To
Queer & Trans Identities explains
the basics around gender identity,
sexual orientation, self-love, and
relationships, for the curious, and
those starting their own journeys of
Cartoonists Mady and JR guide
readers through the spectrum of
human experiences around gender
identity, sexuality, and navigating
relationships, with the help of
informative comics, insightful
first-person experiences, and
imaginative examples.
Colourful, bright and engaging,
the co-authors use cute and eye-
catching artwork to educate readers
on a range of serious and complex
topics. Told primarily from the
perspective of Iggy, a snail, as he
guides other snails through the
language around human love
and identities with the help of his
human, Bowery, a ‘queer educator’.
A selection of human characters
share their own experiences as
well, highlighting some of the
experiences of non-binary and
transgender individuals.
Touching on the history of the
term ‘queer’ and its origins as
an insult, the authors explore
the importance and sensitivities
around language and how we use
it. Highlighting the importance of
self-identification and flexibility,
A Quick & Easy Guide To Queer
& Trans Identities reminds us that
we should respect the language
preferences of individuals.
Going over the basics around
the differences between gender
and sexuality, narrator Iggy also
offers simple, easy to understand
explanations around bisexuality,
asexuality, and pansexuality.
Looking at gender as a wider
spectrum (from male and female,
to neutral, agender, and gender
fluid), readers of all ages and prior
knowledge levels can easily follow
along and learn something new.
Touching on how gender is
expressed through interests,
clothes, and how people present
themselves, the authors explain
how gender expression can be
just as varied as gender itself, and
doesn’t necessarily align with a
person’s gender identity. Offering
simple tips and helpful advice for
those who may want to explore
their own gender presentation,
but who may not be in a safe,