Is a terror of taking to the skies holding you back from travelling? You’re
certainly not alone, but help is available. Here we explore how to overcome
this common phobia, and the role hypnotherapy can play in it...
Writing | Kat Nicholls
Flying without fear
erophobia, or fear
of flying, is thought
to affect around one
in 10 of us. So, if
you’re on a full flight
jetting off for some summer sun, the
chances are you’re not the only one
on board feeling anxious.
According to Anxiety UK, those
with a fear of flying tend to fall
into one of two camps; the people
who struggle with the internal loss
of control, and those whose fear
is linked to external factors, such
as turbulence, bad weather, or a
potential fault with the aeroplane.
While flying isn’t something we
typically encounter every day, this
phobia still has a big impact on those
affected. For some, it might hold
them back from exploring the world.
It might mean you say ‘no’ to going
on holidays with your loved ones. It
can even affect work – forcing you
to turn down opportunities to travel
overseas and progress your career.
Statistically, flying is one of the
safest forms of travel – but numbers
rarely help to ease our anxieties.
This is because fear isn’t something
we can control consciously. As
hypnotherapist Harry Holbrook
explains: “Feelings of anxiety,
claustrophobia (fear of enclosed
spaces), and panic manifest
automatically in the subconscious
mind. Such feelings are caused
by high levels of stress hormones
released by signals from the
amygdalae – primitive areas of the
brain responsible for our fight, flight,
and freeze response, designed to
keep us safe in the event of danger or
unfamiliar occurrences.
“If you think about it, being
‘trapped’ on a plane removes our
flying is one
of the safest
forms of travel
- but fear isn’t
something we
can control
most fundamental mechanism for
regulating anxiety – the ability to flee.
Flying also entails us relinquishing
our sense of control by handing
over the operation and safety of
the aircraft to pilots, mechanics, air
traffic controllers, security staff, and
Continues >>>
May 2019 • happiful • 51