Writing | Kat Nicholls Illustrating | Rosan Magar
Easily impacted by other people’s emotions? You could be an empath. Here we
look at what that means, and suggest ways to avoid becoming overwhelmed
Protect your energy
78 • happiful • May 2019
mpathy is a wonderful
trait. It allows you to
understand and share
the feelings of others, to
appreciate what someone
else may be going through, and to
support them.
For some, however, the level of
empathy felt is intense. Often referred
to as empaths, these people can
feel truly affected by other people’s
emotions – almost taking on their
feelings. While this certainly has
positive aspects (empaths are often
deeply caring and form strong
connections) there can be
challenges to overcome.
For an empath, walking
into a crowded room can
feel overwhelming.
as an empath
Talking to someone who is stressed or
angry can be draining. Loud noises,
strong scents, and bright lights can
be overstimulating. Even particularly
harrowing TV shows, movies or books
can be a challenge.
If you feel especially sensitive to other
people’s emotions, and can relate to
the challenges mentioned, you may
well be an empath. To navigate these
challenges, it can help to have some
tools and techniques to help protect
your energy levels. Here are some
tips to help you do just that.