Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1
262 Gitte Kristiansen


Bybee, Joan
1999 Usage-based phonology. In Functionalism and Formalism in Lin-
guistics, Vol. I: General Papers, Michael Darnell, Edith Moravcsik,
Fredrick Newmeyer, Michael Noonan, and Kathleen Wheatley
(eds.), 211-242. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
2001 Phonology and Language Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University
2003 Mechanisms of change in grammaticization: The role of frequency.
In The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, Brian D. Joseph, and
Richard D. Janda (eds.), 602-623. Oxford: Blackwell.
Kristiansen, Gitte
2001 Social and linguistic stereotyping: a cognitive approach to accents.
Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 9: 129-145.
2003 How to do things with allophones: linguistic stereotypes as cognitive
reference points in social cognition. In Cognitive Models in Lan-
guage and Thought, CLR 24. René Dirven, Roslyn M. Frank, and
Martin Pütz (eds.), 69-120. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2006 Towards a usage-based cognitive phonology. International Journal
of English Studies 6 (2): 107-140.
2008a Style-shifting and shifting styles: a socio-cognitive approach to lec-
tal variation. In Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation,
Cultural Models, Social Systems, CLR 39, Gitte Kristiansen, and
René Dirven (eds.), 45-88. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2008b The group as a variable in the development of cognitive schemata. In
Body, Language and Mind, Vol. II, CLR 35.2, Roslyn M. Frank,
René Dirven, Tom Ziemke, and Enrique Bernárdez (eds.), 409-432.
Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Nathan, Geoffrey S.
1996 Steps towards a cognitive phonology. In Natural Phonology: The
State of the Art, Bernhard Hurch, and Richard Rhodes (eds.), 107-

  1. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
    2006 Is the phoneme usage-based? – Some issues. International Journal
    of English Studies 6 (2): 173-194.
    Nunberg, Geoffrey D.
    1978 The Pragmatics of Reference. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
    Linguistics Club.
    Pierrehumbert, Jeanette
    2001 Exemplar dynamics: word frequency, lenition, and contrast. In Fre-
    quency Effects and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, Joan By-

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