Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1
Lexical convergence and divergence in Portuguese 59

margin of error). This suggests that there is a real internal distancing
process which takes place in both varieties. The same is observed with the
percentages on the diagonal lines: the uniformity between the varieties in
two different periods (P70 and B50, B70 and P50, P00 and B70, B00 and
P70) is always inferior to the uniformity between the varieties in the pre-
ceding period (P50 and B50, etc.). This means that not only does the Bra-
zilian variety move away from the European variety, but the latter also
moves away from the former. The hypothesis of growing symmetrical di-
vergence would obviously require that more intermediate periods be avail-
able for testing (between 1950 and 1970, and 1970 and 2000). Still, an in-
termediate point (1970) is available, which indicates a growing distance
between the two varieties. Considering that the difference of weighted un-
iformity between 1970 and 2000 is lower than the difference between 1950
and 1970 (8.81% versus 12.88%), we can thus also hypothesize that the
divergent movement between the two varieties may have slowed down
slightly in the last decades.
As for question (3), I and Iā€™ percentages show two things. First, there is
a consistent evolutionary pattern: the internal uniformity decreases between
1950 and 1970 (except in EP at the level of the unweighted measure) and
increases between 1970 and 2000 in both varieties. The fluctuations in in-
ternal uniformity may be related to a process of lexical renovation with
regard to fashion, particularly clothing. This will be further analysed in the
next section. Contrary to football terms, it is more difficult to find standar-
dization tendencies in relation to clothing terms, even if the period when
there is an increase in internal uniformity (1970 and 2000) is taken into
consideration. Moreover, the internal homogeneity between the first and
last period (1950 and 2000) undergoes some changes, decreasing in BP at
the level of the weighted measure. Second, I and Iā€™ percentages are evi-
dence of greater changes in BP than in EP, especially between the interme-
diate periods (long term changes are also observed but only at the level of
the weighted uniformity). There is also no clear evidence in this case that
one of the varieties may constitute a reference point for the other. In fact,
the comparison of internal uniformity between the two varieties reveals
different results: in the first period, the internal uniformity is greater in BP
than in EP, in the second period, it is lower in BP than in EP, and in the last
period it is identical in both varieties.
The results of the external diachronic analysis can be summarized as fol-

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