Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

66 Augusto Soares da Silva

variety changes more than the European variety, especially in the period
between the 1950s to the 1970s.
In Table 9, the results of the appropriate sequential calculation are pre-
sented. Three facts can be inferred from the percentages. First, we notice
that the percentage of common vocabulary (binational terms) increasingly
falls in the 1950s and 1970s, which is consistent with the global divergent
trend. Second, a strange phenomenon occurs at this point, especially be-
tween the 1950s and the 1970s. While EP discards part of its endogenous
terms (from 20.93% to 13.69%) and takes on exogenous terms (from 3.31%
to 9.41%), at the same time BP adopts more exogenous terms (from 1.83%
to 7.64%). One would expect that this would translate into a greater un-
iformity between the two varieties in the 1970s. But surprisingly, uniformi-
ty decreases considerably, as can be seen in Figure 2. We may be able to
explain this if we take into account the third fact: a growing number of
endogenous terms appear in both varieties during the 1970s: 15.61% more
in EP (29.30% minus 13.69%) and 14.7% more in BP (29.91% minus
15.21%). It is precisely the increase in endogenousness which explains the
divergent evolution observed on both sides. In 2000, the percentage of new
endogenous terms in EP increased by 8.42%, of which 4.41% are inherited
from 1970; whereas BP took on 10.51% of new endogenous terms in 2000,
of which 1.03% are from the 1970s. These results still corroborate the di-
vergent evolution in both varieties. This recent endogenousness is attri-
buted to the entry of new fashion terms and new uses given to existing

Table 9. Sequential evolution of bi-national, endogenous and exogenous clothing

A’UNIp50,b50(P50) > A’UNIp50,b50(P70)
75,76 65,15
A’EXOp50,b50(P50) < A’EXOp50,b50(P70)
3,31 9,41
A’ENDOp50,b50(P50) > A’ENDOp50,b50(P70)
20,93 13,69
A’UNIp70,b70(P70) > A’UNIp70,b70(P00)
67,10 52,86
A’EXOp70,b70(P70) ≅ A’EXOp70,b70(P00)
3,61 7,41
A’ENDOp70,b70(P70) ≅ A’ENDOp70,b70(P00)
29,30 33,71

A’UNIb50,p50(B50) > A’UNIb50,p50(B70)
82,20 61,23
A’EXOb50,p50(B50) < A’EXOb50,p50(B70)
1,83 7,64
A’ENDOb50,p50(B50) ≅ A’ENDOb50,p50(B70)
15,96 15,21
A’UNIb70,p70(B70) > A’UNIb70,p70(B00)
65,50 57,62
A’EXOb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’EXOb70,p70(B00)
4,59 7,55
A’ENDOb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’ENDOb70,p70(B00)
29,91 30,94
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