Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1
Lexical convergence and divergence in Portuguese 79

Brazilian variety does not appear to occur with its counterpart as reference
point. Naturally, the differences in the lexical convergence/divergence
process between Portuguese and Dutch reflect the geographical and soci-
ocultural and historical differences of these pluricentric languages, which
are clearly stronger and more complex in Portuguese than in Dutch.


  1. This study is part of the “Convergence and Divergence in the Portuguese
    Lexicon” research project, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science
    and Technology (POCTI/LIN/48575/2002) in the framework of the POCTI of
    the European Communitarian Fund FEDER. I would like to thank three
    anonymous reviewers for their thorough and illuminating comments. I would
    also like to thank Stefan Grondelaers, Dirk Speelman, Dirk Geeraerts and
    Yves Peirsman for their methodological support and their useful comments
    and suggestions during the various stages of this project.

  2. The two lists of terms presented in the appendix were based on Portuguese
    reference dictionaries, football glossaries, Feijó’s studies (1994, 1998) on the
    language of football, Farias’ (2003) fashion glossary and also on the content
    of the corpus which was built for this study. Loanwords that keep their origi-
    nal form are indicated in inverted commas.

  3. Due to space limitations, the results of the total number of the terms studied
    (183 football terms and 264 clothing terms) cannot be presented here.

  4. The p value indicates whether the relationship under analysis is statistically
    relevant: statistically, a relationship is significant only if p is lower than 0.05
    (a value between 0.05 and 0.10 can be viewed as indicative of a trend). And
    the r^2 value indicates the percentage of data explained by a particular variable.


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