The Economist UK - 29.02.2020

(Martin Jones) #1
The EconomistFebruary 29th 2020 Business 57


career bookabout Asians? Aren’t
they doing fine...?” So begins “Break-
ing the Bamboo Ceiling”, a tome by Jane
Hyun published in 2005. Because Asian-
Americans had higher incomes and educa-
tion levels and committed fewer crimes
than their average compatriot, they were
seen as a model minority. Despite this, they
rarely rose to the top of companies. A mix
of individual, cultural and organisational
barriers—the “bamboo ceiling” of the
book’s title—seemed to halt their rise.
Fifteen years later Asians are still un-
der-represented. Some 11% of associates at
American law firms are Asian, but only 3%
of partners are. In technology Asians make
up over 30% of the workers but less than
15% of bosses. In 2017 Asians made up
roughly 6% of the country’s population but
only 3% (16) of the bosses of s&p500 firms.
Some prominent Asians run big compa-
nies. Arvind Krishna is ibm’s new boss. Sa-
tya Nadella runs Microsoft and Sundar Pi-
chai leads Alphabet. But few other Asians
have joined their ranks—and, revealingly,
these stars all have Indian roots. There are
fewer South Asians in America than East
Asians, but they still made up 13 of those 16
Asian s&p 500 ceos.
Why are there so few Asians among
America’s business elite? And if a bamboo
ceiling is to blame, why do South Asians
break through more easily? These ques-
tions are the focus of a study by Jackson Lu
of mitSloan School of Management and
colleagues, who surveyed hundreds of se-
nior executives and business-school stu-
dents. They found that while discrimina-
tion exists, it is not destiny. South Asians
endure greater racism than East Asians but
still outperform even whites (if success is
weighed against share of population).
Their research also rules out lack of ambi-
tion: a greater share of Asians than whites
strive for high-status jobs.
That leaves culture. The researchers
conclude that South Asians tend to be more
assertive than East Asians in how they
communicate at work, which fits Western
notions of how a leader should behave. The
same propensity for confident discourse
featured in “The Argumentative Indian”, a
book by Amartya Sen, a Nobel-prizewin-
ning economist. The researchers attribute
East Asians’ reticence to Confucian values
of modesty and respect for hierarchy.
Sometimes boldness and bombast are
needed to break bamboo. 7

A provocative study examines Asians
in American corner offices

Diversity in America Inc

The benefits of

being bold


lberta haslured many an oilman in
recent years. Tapping new wells of
thick Canadian bitumen and processing it
into crude is expensive, but the break-even
oil price for operating an existing one can
be as low as $25. Large reserves and low de-
pletion rates mean that companies can of-
fer measured growth and attractive divi-
dends. Instead of lubricating profits,
however, Canada’s tar sands are bunged-up
with protests against new pipelines. Most
international oil firms have fled. The latest
firm to retreat is Teck Resources. On Febru-
ary 23rd the Canadian company scrapped
plans for a C$20bn ($15bn) oil-sands mine.
Canada has not yet aligned “climate policy
considerations” with “responsible energy
sector development”, wrote Teck’s boss,
Don Lindsay. Without regulatory approv-
als, an investment partner, new pipelines
and a high oil price, Teck might as well have
sought the Moon.
Things are looking rather different
south of the border. Fracking a virgin shale
bed is simpler—and cheaper—than mining
a new tar pit. American crude production
surged by 94% from 2011 to 2018, hitting
Canada twice over: by pushing down the oil
price and sucking away investment. Cana-
dian oil output rose only two-thirds as fast.
Chevron and ExxonMobil are among the
global energy giants to pump capital into
America’s vast Permian basin in Texas and
New Mexico; the pair will present spending
plans to investors in March.

But frackers, too, have headaches. Many
have grown fast but spent faster. Returns
tend to be meagre, as the quick decline in a
well’s output has led firms to drill new
ones. Low gas prices have hurt firms spe-
cialising in fracked gas most, though oilier
producers have also struggled. An analysis
of the top 39 public shale oil companies by
Rystad, an energy-data firm, found that
cashflow from operations exceeded capital
spending at just one in four firms in the
third quarter of 2019.
Now American companies may begin to
behave more like Canadian ones, says Ben-
ny Wong of Morgan Stanley. Investors have
urged frackers to grow more slowly and re-
turn more cash to shareholders. Top shale
firms are listening. In November Pioneer
Natural Resources raised its dividend and
said it would pursue more modest growth.
On February 18th Concho Resources and
Devon Energy, two companies with assets
in the Permian, told investors that capital
spending would be lower this year. The
companies raised their dividends by 60%
and 22%, respectively.
Shale firms’ slowing growth may reflect
geological and technical limits, too. Bob
Brackett of Bernstein, a research firm,
points out that productivity per square foot
declined in all but one of America’s main
shale basins last year. As the richest wells
are depleted, remaining sites will require
higher prices to be drilled profitably. Amer-
ican government forecasters expect do-
mestic oil production to reach 14m barrels
a day by 2022, then plateau. Others expect it
to taper off sooner. Scott Sheffield, Pio-
neer’s boss, told investors last year that the
opec cartel of oil-producing countries
probably does not need to worry about fur-
ther growth in American output.
America may turn more Canadian when
it comes to regulations, too. Unlike Justin
Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, who has
struggled to balance oil interests with envi-
ronmental ones, President Donald Trump
has simply ignored conservation and the
climate. He has allowed drilling on federal
lands and eased rules for planet-cooking
methane emissions. But the shalemen’s
political problems may mount. Low gas
prices led to a surge of flaring last year,
prompting a Texas regulator to propose
curbing the practice, which would incon-
venience firms. On February 24th the Su-
preme Court heard a suit to block a new
shale-gas pipeline that would cut beneath
the Appalachian Trail, America’s longest
hiking path. Democratic presidential can-
didates including Bernie Sanders, the
front-runner, want to ban fracking.
In Canada the premier of oil-rich Alber-
ta argues that provinces should be freer to
develop oil projects within their borders. It
is not impossible to imagine a world in
which oil states battle a more restrictive
national government in America, too. 7

Canadian and American oil industries
are becoming more alike

Oil in North America

Of tar sands and

shale beds

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