The Baghdad Set_ Iraq through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45

(Ann) #1


Price of Power: A Biography of Charles Eugène Bedaux (Toronto: Doubleday,
1984); C.  M. Hardwick, Time Study in Treason: Charles E.  Bedaux—
Patriot or Collaborator? (Chelmsford: Horsnell, 1993); and Janet Flanner,
‘Annals of Collaboration,’ The New  Yorker, 22 September–13 October
1945, 1/33. About Bedaux and the Windsors, whose trip to meet Hitler
and the Nazi leaders in 1937 he facilitated, see Charles Glass, Americans in
Paris: Life and Death under Nazi Occupation 1940–44 (London: Harper,
2009), 197–8. My application to the FBI (under the United States
Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] of 1966, as amended by the Privacy
Act of 1974, generally referred to as FOIPA [Freedom of Information—
Privacy Acts]) for the release of Bedaux records was rejected outright on
the grounds that, after ‘a search of the indices to our central records system
at FBI Headquarters and all FBI field offices,’ the Bureau was ‘unable to
identify responsive main records.’ A likely story, especially considering that
Bedaux died while in FBI custody.

  1. For the full details of Tenth Army’s devastating ‘scorched-earth’ scheme,
    see Tenth Army Operation Instruction No. 29, Policy for Demolitions
    under Plan WONDERFUL, 27 June 1942, WO 201/1369, TNA.

  2. Operationsziel, Grundgedanken der Kaukasusoperation, Besprechung bei
    OQu I, 24 October 1941, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Kriegstagebuch
    (OKW-KTB), MSG 158/38, Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg
    [BArch-MArch]; GCCS to ‘C,’ CX/MSS/S21, German Intentions South
    of Caucasus, 17 September 1942, HW 14/52, TNA; Interrogation
    Report, Oberstleutnant Dr. Murad Ferid, 11 July 1945, SCI 12th Army
    Group, Record Group 263, Entry ZZ-18, Box 35, NARA; R. Dieterich,
    ‘Rasid Ali al-Kaylani in Berlin: Ein irakischer Nationalist in NS-Deutschland,’
    Al-Rafidayn: Jahrbuch zur Geschichte und Kultur des Modernen Iraq 3
    (1995): 62–4; Klaus Gensicke, The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis: The
    Berlin Years (London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2011), 81–98, 222–4;
    Mallmann and Cüppers, Halbmond und Hakenkreuz, 190–3. For General
    Felmy himself, convicted war criminal and father of the well-known
    German actor Hansjörg Felmy, see Gerhard Weber, Hellmuth Felmy:
    Stationen einer militärischen Karriere (Mainz: Rutzen, 2010).

  3. The best secondary source on the Lehrregiment Brandenburg zbV 800 is
    Helmut Spaeter, Die Brandenburger zbV 800: Eine deutsche
    Kommandotruppe (Munich: Angerer, 1982); and on Abwehr II special
    forces, Dietrich F. Witzel, ‘Kommandoverbände der Abwehr II im Zweiten
    Weltkrieg,’ Militärgeschichtliches Beiheft zur Europäischen Wehrkunde, no.
    5 (1990): 6–7. However, beware of Franz Kurowski, The Brandenburgers:
    Global Mission (Winnipeg: J.J. Fedorowicz, 1997) and The Brandenburger
    Commandos: Germany’s Elite Warrior Spies in World War II (Mechanicsburg,
    PA: Stackpole, 2005); both books contain baseless Nazi myths and legends


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