The Baghdad Set_ Iraq through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45

(Ann) #1


Sweden, 185
Switzerland, 185
Sykes, Christopher, xiii, 16, 21,
26n37, 60n23, 68, 83
Syrian Sureté, 158
Syria, Syrian(s), 12, 13, 34, 36, 37,
49, 50, 52, 55, 56, 65, 72, 73,
76, 79, 83, 84, 126, 133, 142,
153–155, 157–161, 165n11,
167n34, 174, 181, 188, 191,
200, 204, 220, 222
Système d’ensablement (Bedaux
sanding-up technique), 192


Tabriz, 112n30, 232, 242n55, 243n56
Taji, 174
T&P, see Tribal and political
Tank transporters, 249
Taurus Express, 153–157, 160,
165n8, 199
Taurus Mountains, 100, 162
Teachers, 33, 34, 74, 76, 79, 84, 133,
Tehran, xv, 7, 22, 26n37, 59n15,
60n16, 60n23, 76, 93–95,
102–104, 110n8, 121, 127, 135,
146n25, 163, 168n40, 190, 224,
230–232, 237, 241n44, 249,
Tel Afar, 202–205, 216n74, 216n75,
217n79, 253
See also Operations/plans/initiatives
Television, 37, 247, 248
Tel Kotchek, 153–155, 157–161,
Tel Ziouane, 153
Tennant, Christopher G. (Lord
Glenconner), 101

Terrain analysis, 222
Terrorism, terrorist(s), 50, 107, 196,
253, 259n25
Third Reich, 78, 248
Thomas Cook & Son (travel agency),
Thompson, Geoffrey, 108, 109
Thornhill, Cudbert, 16, 20, 27n44,
68, 69, 80, 81, 83, 88n15
Tigris, 36, 39, 97, 118, 170, 173,
188, 247, 252
Tilley, Edmund, 190, 209n15,
210n20, 210–211n24, 239n18
The Times, 167n34, 251
Tirpitzufer, 182, 184
Topography, topographical, 12, 19,
126, 139, 252
Torino, 10
Toughs, 54, 55, 78, 88n17, 103,
144n7, 167n34
Toulmin, John G., 220, 244n72
Transcaspia, 192
Transcaucasia, 4, 192
Transjordan, 57n3, 161, 170–172,
174, 175, 178n6, 220
Travel permit(s), 72
Trevor-Roper, Hugh (Baron Dacre of
Glanton), 196, 214n48
Trial(s), xi, 72, 197, 202, 206,
214n51, 225, 254
Tribal and political intelligence
(T&P), xvii, 117, 119, 120,
122, 138, 139, 141, 142,
Tribal dress, 190
Tribal territory, 152, 163, 188
Tribe(s), tribesmen, xv, 4, 32, 34, 78,
93, 100, 101, 103, 109n5, 139,
141, 162, 163, 172–174, 187,
226, 231–233
Trieste, 10
Trott zu Solz, Adam von, 247, 257n4
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