Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

one Confederate officeholder, Henry Wirz, notorious commandant of
Andersonville prison, while the losers murdered hundreds of officeholders and

other Unionists, white and black.^65 In Hinds County, Mississippi, alone, whites
killed an average of one African American a day, many of them servicemen,
during Confederate Reconstruction—the period from 1865 to 1867 when ex-
Confederates ran the governments of most Southern states. In Louisiana in the
summer and fall of 1868, white Democrats killed 1,081 persons, mostly

African Americans and white Republicans.^66 In one judicial district in North

Carolina, a Republican judge counted 700 beatings and 12 murders.^67
Moreover, violence was only the most visible component of a broader pattern
of white resistance to black progress.

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