Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

Sertima, They Came Before Columbus; Arthur E. Morgan, Nowhere Was
Somewhere (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1946), 198;
Michael Anderson Bradley, Dawn Voyage (Toronto: Summer Hill Press,
1987); Pathe Diagne, “Du Centenaire de la Decouverte du Nouveau Monde
par Bakari II, en 1312, et Christopher Colomb, en 1492” (Dakar: privately
printed, 1990); and Sorenson and Raish, entry H344.
For Polynesians: Heather Whipps, “Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians
Found Americas Before Columbus,” Live Science website, 6/4/2007,
livescience .com/history/070604polynesian chicken.html.
For Portuguese: Marble, Before Columbus , 25. See also Van Sertima, They
Came Before Columbus: Morgan, Nowhere Was Somewhere , 197; Ashe et al.,
The Quest for America, 265-66; Quinn, England and the Discovery of
America, 41-43, 85-86; and H. Y. Old-ham, “A Pre-Columbian Discovery of
America,” Geographical Journal 3 (1895): 221-33.
For Basques: Forbes, Black Africans and Native Americans, 20.
For Bristol fishers: Quinn, England and the Discovery of America, 5-105.
Also see A. A. Ruddock, “John Day of Bristol,” Geographical Journal 132
(1966): 225-33; Blow, Abroad in America, 17; G. R. Crone, The Discovery of
America (New York: Weybright and Talley, 1960), 157-58; and Carl Sauer,
Sixteenth-Century North America (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1971), 6.

22 Charles H. Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (New York: Chilton,
1966). Hapgood argues for the Turkish map, which he believes contains details
unknown to European explorers in 1513, hence could not be fraudulent.
Current Anthropology 21, no. 1 (February 1980) contains arguments for and
against coins as evidence of Roman visits.

23 Forbes, Black Africans and Native Americans, 7-14; William Fitzhugh,
personal communication, November 16, 1993; Van Sertima, They Came Before
Columbus , Chapter 12. See also Alice B. Kehoe, “Small Boats Upon the
North Atlantic,” in Riley et al., Man Across the Sea, 276.

24 James West Davidson and Mark H. Lytle, After the Fact (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992).

25 Forbes, Black Africans and Native Americans, 19. Morgan Llywelyn, “The
Norse Discovery of the New World,” Early Man 2, no. 4 (1980): 3-6;
Marshall McKusick and Erik Wahlgren, “Viking in America—Fact and
Fiction,” Early Man 2, no. 4 (1980): 7-9. Unlike most authorities, Sale, The

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