Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

76 Jeffrey Hart, “Discovering Columbus,” National Review, 10/15/1990, 56-

77 Sale, The Conquest of Paradise, 129.

78 Quoted in Sanders, Lost Tribes and Promised Lands, 290.

79 Koning, Columbus, His Enterprise, 86.

80 Marcel Dunan, ed., Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History (New York:
Crescent, 1987), 40.

81 Crosby, The Columbian Exchange, 11-12. See also Calder, Revolutionary
Empire, 13-14; Dunan, ed., Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History, 40,
67; Crone, Discovery of America, 184.

82 Morgan, Nowhere Was Somewhere; Marble, Before Columbus, 73-75;
Calder, Revolutionary Empire, 13. Lowes, Indian Giver, 82, regarding
Montaigne. Also Sanders, Lost Tribes and Promised Lands, 208-9. The direct
influence of the anthropologist L. H. Morgan on Marx and Engels is described
by Bruce Johansen, Forgotten Founders: How the American Indian Helped
Shape Democracy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Common Press, 1982), 122-23.
Sale, The Conquest of Paradise. See also Crone, Discovery of America, 184.

83 Quoted by Peter Farb, Man’s Rise to Civilization (New York: Avon, 1969),

  1. The Tempest shows Shakespeare’s own fascination: he modeled its
    Native character, Caliban, after the Carib Indians, who were cannibals,
    according to what the Arawaks had told Columbus.

84 For that matter, Europe isn’t a continent, unless the word is defined
Eurocentrically! Europe is a peninsula; the division between Europe and Asia
is arbitrary, unlike the divisions between other continents.

85 Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Evanston, IL: Row,
Peterson, 1957).

86 Crosby, The Columbian Exchange, 124-25 and Chapter 5; William Langer,
“American Foods and Europe’s Population Growth, 1750-1850,” Journal of
Social History 8 (winter 1975): 51-66; Jack Weatherford, Indian Givers (New
York: Fawcett, 1988), 65-71; “Seeds of Change” exhibit (Washington, D.C.:
National Museum of Natural History, 1991).

87 Crosby, The Columbian Exchange, 124-25; Lowes, Indian Giver, 59-60;
Weatherford, Indian Givers, 65-71; Boyce Rensberger, “Did Syphilis Sail to

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