Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

Europe with Columbus and His Crew?” Burlington Free Press, 7/31/1992,

88 See also Williams, Documents of West Indian History, 1:xxxi. Karl Marx
and Fredrich Engels, “Communist Manifesto,” in Robert C. Tucker, ed., The
Marx-Engels Reader (New York: Norton, 1978), 474. Weatherford, Indian
Givers, 43, 58, argues that long-staple American cotton, more useful for
making cloth than Old World varieties, prompted the industrial revolution; he
also considers the early production of coins in Bolivia and sugar in the
Caribbean to amount to proto-factories that spurred the industrial revolution in

89 Weatherford, Indian Givers, 12, 15-17. Dunan, ed., Larousse Encyclopedia
of Modern History, 69, and Sale, The Conquest of Paradise, 236, regarding
inflation. Marx and Engels, “Communist Manifesto.”

90 Herman J. Viola and Carolyn Margolis, eds., Seeds of Change (Washington,
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991), 186-207.

91 Michael Wallace, “The Politics of Public History,” in Jo Blatti, ed., Past
Meets Present (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1987), 41-42.
See also Garry Wills, “Goodbye, Columbus,” New York Review of Books,
November 22, 1990, 6-10. Interestingly, in response to the Columbus
quincentenary the United Nations voted to declare the 1990s “the Decade to
Eradicate Colonialism.” Only the United States dissented. Even Spain and
other Western European former colonial powers abstained out of respect for
the new global reality. See John Yewell, “To Growing Numbers, Columbus No
Hero,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, 10/11/1990.

92 Johnson v. M’Intosh; see Robert K. Faulkner, The Jurisprudence of John
Marshall (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968), 53; and Bruce A.
Wagman, “Advancing Tribal Sovereign Immunity as a Pathway to Power,”
University of San Francisco Law Review 27, no. 2 (Winter 1993): 419-20.

93 Roy Preiswerk and Dominique Perrot, Ethnocentrism and History (New
York: NOK, 1988), 245-46.

94 Columbus quoted in Sale, The Conquest of Paradise, 116; see also 201.

95 John Burns, “Canada Tries to Make Restitution to Its Own,” New York
Times, 9/1/1988.

96 Virgil Vogel, This Country Was Ours (New York: Harper and Row, 1972),

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