Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

33 Ibid., 202-15.

34 Simpson, Invisible Armies, 35.

35 Dobyns, Their Number Become Thinned.

36 David Quummen, “Columbus and Submuloc,” Outside, June 1990, 31- 34.
Cf. Crosby, The Columbian Exchange, 49; McNeill, Plagues and Peoples,

37 James Brooke, “For an Amazon Indian Tribe, Civilization Brings Mostly
Disease and Death,” New York Times, 12/24/1989. Violent uprooting of Native
cultures continues as well; see Amnesty International, Human Rights
Violations Against the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (New York:
Amnesty International, 1992). Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle, quoted
in Crosby, Ecological Imperialism, vii. As Darwin knew, the same sad
processes have recurred wherever Europeans, Asians, or Africans encountered
isolated peoples, from Australia to Easter Island, Hawaii to Siberia. Thus, for
example, the population of the Marquesan Islands in the South Pacific sank
from one hundred thousand at first contact to twenty-five hundred in 1955. See
Thor Heyerdahl, Aku-Aku (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1958), 352.

38 Langer, “The Black Death,” 5; see also McNeill, Plagues and Peoples.

39 Farb, Man’s Rise to Civilization, 294-95.

40 Colin McEvedy, The Penguin Atlas of North American History (New
York: Viking, 1988), 3. McEvedy is a clinical psychiatrist.

41 Jennings, The Invasion of America, 16.

42 Bradford, Of Plimoth Plantation, 258.

43 Hurtado, Indian Survival on the California Frontier (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1988), 1.

44 Sources estimating precontact populations in this range include P. M.
Ashburn, The Ranks of Death (Philadelphia: Porcupine, 1980 [1947]);
Woodrow Borah, “The Historical Demography of Aboriginal and Colonial
America,” in William Denevan, ed., The Native Population of the Americas in
1492 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1976), 13-34; Sherburne Cook
and Woodrow Borah, Essays in Population History: Mexico and the
Caribbean , vol. 1 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press,
1971); Crosby, The Columbian Exchange; Jared Diamond, “The Arrow of

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