Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

Democracy’s Half-Told Story (New York: American Federation of Teachers,
1989), 84-85; “Income Disparity Since World War II,” op cit.

28 Mantsios, “Class in America,” 59; Isaac Shapiro and Robert Greenstein,
The Widening Gulf (Washington, D.C.: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,

29 “Index,” Harper’s, May 1990, 19, citing data from the United Automobile
Workers; Jeanne Sahadi, “CEO Pay: Sky High Gets Even Higher,”, 8/30/2005;

30 “Index,” Harper’s, January 1993, 19, citing the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development.

31 David Tyack and Elisabeth Hansot, “Conflict and Consensus in American
Public Education,” Daedalus 110, no. 2 (Summer 1981): 11-12.

32 Jeffrey Williamson and Lindert, American Inequality: A Macroeconomic
History (New York: Academic Press, 1980), Chapter 3. Seymour Martin
Lipset, The First New Nation (New York: Basic Books, 1963), 324-26, holds
that wealth was less equal in Great Britain, although income was not.

33 The American Pageant (2006) stands out by noting that “many nations
boasted more equitable distributions of wealth.” This book also reveals that
“the gap between rich and poor even widened somewhat in the 1980s.”
Unfortunately, The American Pageant also says that 80 percent of the
workforce in the 1990s worked in white-collar jobs, double the actual

34 Walter Dean Burnham, “The Changing Shape of the American Political
University,” American Political Science Review 59 (1965): 23-25.

35 Barry Schwartz, “The Reconstruction of Abraham Lincoln,” in David
Middleton and Derek Edwards, eds., Collective Remembering (London: Sage,

36 Williamson and Lindert, American Inequality, 41-42, 49-51; Robert E.
Gall-man, “Trends in the Size Distribution of Wealth in the Nineteenth
Century,” in Lee Soltow, ed., Six Papers on the Size Distribution of Wealth
and Income (New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1969), 6-7.

37 Lee Soltow, Distribution of Wealth and Income in the United States in
1798 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989), 252; Stephan

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