Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

educational in nature.

12 Interviews with high-level managers of multinational corporations in Larry
Adelman’s video, Controlling Interest: The World of the Multinational
Corporation (San Francisco: California Newsreel, 1978), show their
influence particularly over U.S. policy in Chile.

13 With the end of communism in Eastern Europe, Second World no longer has
its old meaning. Third World was always ethnocentric, implying our world
was first. Because terms like LDCs—less developed countries—raise
problems of their own, and since Third World was the term used in the period,
I will use it here.

14 Robert Reich quoted in Robert Heilbroner, “The Worst Is Yet to Come,”
New York Times, 2/14/1993, 25.

15 “Corporate Crime and Abuse,” Center for Corporate Policy website,, 1/2007; “Kuwait of Africa?” 60
Minutes, 7/18/2004, CBS News website, cbs; Katy Shaw, “Making a Killing:
Corporations, Conflict and Poverty in Equatorial Guinea,” War on Want annual
conference 2005, War on Want website,
id=299, 10/2006; Eduardo Cue, “Dictator and Diplomat,” U.S. News & World
Report, 9/17/2006,,
1/2006; John Vidal, “Oil Rich, Dirt Poor,” The Guardian, 8/26/2004,,,5001814-114321,00.html, 1/2007; Justin Blum, “U.S.
Oil Firms Entwined in Equatorial Guinea Deals,” Washington Post, 9/7/2004,
washington , 1/2007.

16 Barry Weisberg, Beyond Repair (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), 79. Allied
urging and Wilson’s anticommunism may have been larger factors.

17 Gen. Smedley D. Butler, quoted in a New York Times interview, 8/21/1931,
reprinted in Joseph R. Conlin, ed., The Morrow Book of Quotations in
American History (New York: Morrow, 1984), 58.

18 John A. Hobson, quoted in Lloyd C. Gardner, Safe for Democracy (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1984), 11.

19 Jonathan Kwitny, Endless Enemies (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1984),

20 Charles Harriss III and Louis Sadler, The Border and the Revolution

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