Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

Ameringer, U.S. Foreign Intelligence, 250, 268.

32 Ronald Kessler, Inside the CIA (New York: Pocket Books, 1992), 41; see
also George W. Ball, “JFK’s Big Moment,” 16; Marchetti and Marks, The CIA
and the Cult of Intelligence, 350-54.

33 Robert F. Smith, The United States and Revolutionary Nationalism in
Mexico, 1916-1932 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972), xiii; see
also Ameringer, U.S. Foreign Intelligence, 268.

34 Robert Leckie, The Wars of America (New York: Harper and Row, 1968),

35 Nicolas Shumway, “Someone to Be Stopped in Chile,” New York Times
Book Review, 5/9/1993, 19; Oversight of U.S. Government Intelligence
Functions: Hearings Before the Committee on Government Operations, U.S.
Senate, 94th Congress, Second Session (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1976).

36 Thomas W. Lippman, “138 Reported Missing in U.S. Spy Flights,”
Washington Post, March 5, 1993; Thomas Powers, “Notes from
Underground,” New York Review of Books, 6/21/2001, 51.

37 Mark Danner, “How the Foreign Policy Machine Broke Down,” New York
Times Magazine, 3/7/1993, 33-34.

38 Helen Keller, letter to New York Call, November 10, 1919, in Philip S.
Foner, ed., Helen Keller: Her Socialist Years (New York: International
Publishers, 1967), 100.

39 One book, Life and Liberty, over-blames Nixon, stating in two different
places, “Evidence uncovered later showed that Nixon did know about the
burglary before it happened.” No evidence has yet shown this.

40 Richard Rubenstein, The Cunning of History (New York: Harper & Row,
1987), 82.

41 Peter Kornbluh, “Back Into the Loop,” Washington Post, 8/22/1993, C2;
Fritz Schwartz, Unchecked and Unbalanced (New York: New Press, 2007).

42 Theodore Draper makes this point in “American Hubris: From Truman to
the Persian Gulf,” New York Review of Books, 7/16/1987, 40-48.

43 Kenneth O’Reilly, “Racial Matters” (New York: Free Press, 1989), 9, 12-
13, 17, and 96-99; Ameringer, U.S. Foreign Intelligence , 109.

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