Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

York: New Press, 1999), 404-7.

27 Karnow, Vietnam, 365-76.

28 Gallup poll, November 1986; Roper poll, 8/1984.

29 See Dick Cluster, ed., They Should Have Served That Cup of Coffee
(Boston: South End Press, 1979), 149-79; John Dumbrell and David Ryan,
Vietnam in Iraq (Taylor & Francis, 2006); Robert Brigham, Is Iraq Another
Vietnam? (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs, 2006).

30 Kissinger’s claim is perverse for two reasons. First, he negotiated our
pullout and knows full well that all he achieved was a face-saving “decent
interval” between that pullout and the final Vietnamese offensive. Second,
“stay the course” for whom? He also knows that the parade of generals in
charge of the South Vietnam “government” offered no meaningful leader or
ideology to the Vietnamese people.

31 Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 639.

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