Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

Libby, Jean
Library of Congress
Life and Liberty; on black-white race relations; on Indians
Lincoln, Abraham; hostility of, toward slavery; partially transcended racism of
Lincoln-Douglas debates

Liuzzo, Viola
Lloyd, Mark
Locke, John

Loewen, James W.
Loewen et al. v. Turnipseed et al.
Logan, Rayford

London, Herbert
Longstreet, Gen. James
“Lost Colony,”
Louisiana Purchase
Lovelock, James
Lumumba, Patrice

Lytle, Mark H.; see also United States, The—A History of the Republic

McEvedy, Colin
McNeil, Linda

McNeill, William H.
McPherson, James
Maddox, Robert

Madison, James
Malcolm X
Manhattan Island, “purchase” of

Marble, Samuel D.
Marciano, John
markers, historical
Marshall, John
Marx, Karl

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