Lies My Teacher Told Me

(Ron) #1

Mather, Increase
Mayflower Compact
Metacomet (“King Philip”)
Mexican War (1846-48)

Mexico; and Spanish conquest; U.S. troops in; see also Mexican War
Mexico City
middle class; see also social class

minstrel shows
Mishan, E. J.
Mississippi: Conflict and Change

Mississippi Burning
mobility, social
Mobutu, Joseph
Mohawk, John
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de
Montesquieu, Baron

Mooney, James
Moore, Amzie
Moore, Robert

More, Thomas
Morgan, L. H.
Morison, Samuel Eliot

Mosby, John
Moses, Robert
Mossadegh, Prime Minister
movies; see also Birth of a Nation; Gone With the Wind
Moyers, Bill
multinational corporations; and U.S. foreign policy

Museum of the Confederacy
Muslims; see also Islam

My Lai massacre
Myrdal, Gunnar

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