Catalogue BED DESIGN 2023 ENG


Why choose BED DESIGN beds?

Suitable bottom of the container
Sturdy upholstered board with a thickness
of as much as 10 mm with ventilation holes
provides excellent air circulation.

Deep container
Spacious bedding container is finished
with aesthetically pleasing fabric, which
allows for proper storage.

Strong and durable angle brackets
Joining the elements with sturdy
and durable angle brackets guarantees
trouble-free use.

Comfortable opening
Opening and closing is assisted by
gas cylinders, and the high opening
frame gives easy access to the container.

Adjustable frame
The mounting level of the frame, and thus the
height of the mattress, can be set according
to individual needs.

Solid frame
The frame of the container frame is made of
steel, and the right number of slats creates
the proper support for the mattress.






6 Raised headboard
In some models, at the request of the customer
there is a possibility to make a higher
headboard for better comfort.


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