(Sun May09cfyK) #1
Competent and creative teachers
who understand the DSKP,
learning objectives, and learning
outcomes are essential for
successful interdisciplinary
teaching. Their ability to design
engaging and meaningful lessons
that transcend traditional subject
boundaries can greatly benefit
pupils, fostering a deeper
understanding of the material and
preparing them for a dynamic and
interconnected world.
Furthermore, sharing experiences
and collaborating with colleagues
through workshops promotes
professional growth and improves
overall teaching quality.


  1. Inclusive Education: Interdisciplinary teaching
    can cater to diverse learning styles and abilities.
    Competent teachers can adapt their lessons to
    accommodate various learners, ensuring that all
    pupils have the opportunity to succeed.
    9. Preparation for Future
    Challenges: In today's rapidly
    changing world,
    interdisciplinary skills are
    highly valuable. Competent
    and creative teachers can
    equip pupils with the ability to
    adapt to new challenges and
    acquire knowledge across
    different domains, preparing
    them for future careers and
    lifelong learning.

We share the seatwork of our anak-anak emas. To know
PDCL is to love teaching. Competent and creative teachers
who understand the DSKP, learning objectives, and learning
outcomes would help them to carry out successful
interdisciplinary teaching.

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