(Sun May09cfyK) #1
1) Place a piece of white paper on the ground under the sunlight.
2) Put the prism on or above the paper.
3) Let a beam of light shines through a prism.
4) Rotate and move the prism around until you see rainbow colors on the
paper, the prism will distract the light into various colors of light as a

types of sources
of energy

Rainbows is another example of the
dispersion of light through water
droplets, which acts like a prism. It
occured when white sunlight is
dispersed into its various colors due
to refraction and reflection within
the water droplets.

Refraction of light:
The change in light's speed and
direction when it passes from one
medium to another medium.

Density is how closely
packed together
something is.

A prism is a special glass or plastic
object that can bend, or refract, light.

Activity for light and colours

Density (Science year 3)

A prism has a different density than
air because it is made of different
materials with varying densities.
Hence, causing light to bend









While the flesh of a durian is dense and heavy, the fruit
itself often floats in water due to the lightweight,
hollow spaces within its husk. So, even though the
inside is dense, the whole fruit can still float!

Energy (Science year 4)

Renewable Energy Sources

Non-Renewable Energy Sources

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solar energy wind energy geothermal energy

coal oil nuclear energy

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Break-down activity (light, sun and density)

Light (Science year 4)

Prism as a Refraction Tool:
A prism can bend or "disperse" light,
separating it into its constituent
colors, creating a spectrum.

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By Ernna & Evelyn

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