a. b. Accommodation, Food and Leisure Agriculture and Natural Resources
c. d. Automotive and AerospaceCare, Personal Services and Wellbeing
e. f. Education and trainingEnergy and Materials
g. h. Financial ServicesGovernment and public sector
i. j. Health and healthcareInformation Technology and Digital Communications
k. l. ManufacturingInfrastructure
m. n. Non-governmental and Membership OrganisationsMedia, Entertainment and Sports
o. p. Professional ServicesReal estate
q. r. Supply chain and transportationRetail and wholesale of consumer goods
World Economic Forum, Future of Jobs Survey 2023.
Digital platforms and apps
development technologiesEducation and workforce
Big-data analytics
Internet of things and connected devices
Cloud computing
Encryption and cybersecurity
E-commerce and digital trade
Artificial intelligence
Environmental management technologies
Climate-change mitigation technology
Text, image, and voice processing
Augmented and virtual reality
Power storage and generation
Electric and autonomous vehicles
Robots, non-humanoid
Health and care technologies
Distributed ledger technology
Water-related adaptation technologies
3D and 4D printing and modelling
Robots, humanoid
Quantum computing
Biodiversity protection technologies
New materials
Agriculture technologies
Satellite services and space flight
Share of organizations which are likely to adopt technologies in the next five years (%)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r
80 74 92 95 90 83 93 96 72 90 82 84 100 95 98 81 92 81
72 63 80 95 87 78 82 91 84 80 77 84 81 91 90 63 79 72
69 63 89 81 81 75 91 70 76 89 72 80 95 76 88 58 77 71
65 65 77 86 67 81 74 73 77 81 82 80 91 76 88 89 75 73
65 60 77 71 79 74 90 83 64 87 77 73 74 76 82 62 63 69
70 68 73 76 64 80 91 78 58 82 70 73 74 86 77 63 62 79
73 73 73 52 59 65 81 70 78 81 59 80 73 52 75 74 91 75
55 61 85 71 76 72 83 65 71 88 72 74 87 71 83 59 65 61
64 77 69 71 36 85 47 68 71 51 79 83 48 62 47 59 74 68
56 87 62 52 40 84 58 65 46 54 71 74 39 52 47 58 66 71
59 45 75 76 67 44 71 65 50 77 56 54 87 67 81 42 60 54
44 30 73 57 72 56 56 61 67 70 62 62 74 48 68 54 54 52
49 48 54 48 35 75 38 44 51 45 65 70 48 48 38 62 51 47
51 45 69 52 25 62 48 48 45 44 65 65 22 29 28 54 51 79
51 50 69 57 39 61 41 44 53 50 63 70 44 29 32 42 47 53
48 50 31 76 37 51 42 39 78 51 46 56 22 50 45 50 45 33
44 53 39 33 40 34 60 39 47 64 34 44 48 48 48 42 40 36
55 72 63 62 29 60 23 35 50 31 52 61 27 48 32 50 39 28
26 19 62 48 47 39 21 35 49 44 52 55 52 33 34 27 39 16
51 27 31 55 33 30 41 23 32 43 32 41 41 20 30 19 28 30
28 20 27 35 18 27 38 18 31 44 26 30 39 24 34 8 22 26
36 47 39 33 17 40 21 17 46 33 32 41 18 19 27 8 19 25
26 67 31 24 25 39 19 30 41 25 38 39 13 19 19 31 32 29
28 43 36 38 10 50 15 23 22 25 45 39 17 24 20 35 19 24
28 57 8 33 22 25 16 26 70 21 21 34 9 19 14 15 26 15
32 17 12 25 29 14 40 17 13 40 14 17 39 14 16 19 26 9
34 71 12 14 17 15 11 17 16 21 16 32 13 19 19 15 29 9
34 37 24 10 10 16 10 13 5 28 28 20 18 14 8 12 11 16
FIGURE B3 Technology adoption
Share of organization 0 50 100
Future of Jobs Report 2023 77