Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

94 CultureShock! Egypt

ritual. The marriage contract is both religious and secular. It
can be viewed as both in that many parts of the contract are
established by Egyptian family law, which is in turn based
on Islamic tradition. The marriage contract is religious in
that ritual agreement of marriage rights and responsibilities
constitutes an old Muslim tradition. It is secular in that
marriages must now be registered with authorities to
preserve the rights of children born of the marriage. The
marriage contract includes elements outlining which partner
brings what durable goods to the marriage (for example,
carpets, bedroom furniture, living room furniture, and so
on). The marriage contract tends to remind me of prenuptial
agreements in the West.
After signing the marriage contract, the couple is considered
‘engaged’. Engagement is symbolised by wearing a wedding
ring on the right hand. During the period between signing the
marriage contract and the marriage celebration, the couple
may be allowed to get to know one another by going places
together publicly. Sexual intercourse is prohibited until the
final marriage celebration occurs.
The final step, consummation of the marriage, occurs
when all parts of the marriage contract have been fulfilled
and the couple is ready to ‘make house’ together. It is
celebrated by a wedding party after which the couple may
live together as husband and wife. At the wedding celebration,
the ring is moved from the right hand to the left, symbolising
completion of the marriage. In some situations, the marriage
celebration occurs directly after the signing of the marriage
contract. In other cases, it may be several months to a year
or more before the final step is undertaken.

Selecting a Partner

So, just how do Egyptians go about establishing a marriage
relationship if they are not permitted to get to know one
another in a dating relationship? Obviously, if the young
people grow up among the group that allows young people
considerable freedom in making relationships, the issue
becomes more one of choice based on direct knowledge of
the prospective partner.
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