Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

104 CultureShock! Egypt

with long, loose sleeves (preferably made of cotton or some
other natural fibre) is actually cooler in the intensive heat
anyway. Loose fitting, natural fibre fabrics form a little air
pocket between you and the cloth. Anything made of man-
made fibres, such as nylon or polyester, is very hot. When
you perspire, man-made fibres tend to stick to you, allowing
no air space to evaporate moisture. Cotton underwear is also
more comfortable in the heat.
Tight fitting pants are definitely miserably hot no matter
what the fabric. For women, almost any kind of long pants
(even loose fitting ones) are more appropriately worn with a
long, loose over-shirt. Certainly, there is no legal prohibition
against tight fitting jeans and low cut or open blouses, but
women who wear these demonstrate a lack of respect for
local values according to Egyptian perception. Male or female,
if you are attending one of the Western universities in Egypt,
dress is more typical to that found in North American or
British universities (including the tight jeans). The principal
exception is that clothing appears to be somewhat less
casual. Jeans are the norm for both men and women in
these settings.
Swimwear presents an interesting dichotomy. On normal,
everyday beaches frequented by average Egyptians, children
and men wear Western-styled swimsuits. Women, on the
other hand, wear the same thing they do on the streets. And,
yes, they do get in the water, long skirts and all, although
rarely above their knees. Private beaches are different. Here,
depending on who you are with and how private the beach
is, the full range of beachwear is possible. Most mature
Egyptian women still do not wear Western swimsuits in
mixed company on private beaches, but a little more latitude
can be found here. Having said that, I will remind you that in
tourist areas, particularly on cruise ships or Red Sea villages,
you can see anything from bikinis to short-shorts. Western
swimsuits of any kind are also all right at swimming pools in
hotels and clubs. Most of the time you will find that women’s
and men’s times for access to the pool are separate anyway,
so your outfit becomes more a matter of personal preference
than propriety.
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