Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1
The Logistics of Settling In 151

embarrass them and your Egyptian guests. It is a matter
of pride and respect for them to want to do all the work
by themselves if others are present. For example, you and
your cook may well have worked together making table
arrangements or preparing the meal for a dinner party. This
is all well and good. But when the guests arrive, you should
not be seen doing any of the work. If you do, it implies that
your server or cook is incapable of doing the job for which
he or she was hired. It also shows you do not know how to
behave properly.

Showing Respect
Never hesitate to say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ to your domestic
help when the situation warrants. Just like anyone else, servants
appreciate the simple courtesies and actually expect to be treated
with this type of respect by Westerners.

Making friends with shopkeepers, taxi drivers and
other people you meet in your daily activities can provide
one of the greatest ways to get to know about Egypt and
Egyptian life. Don’t be surprised if you are quickly invited
for a dinner or to make social visits. In these cases, you
should remember that they may not really be able to afford
your company, to be able to receive you properly. Go, but
remember that frequent social visits may place a financial
hardship on the family. Since you may find you really enjoy
the friendly company of someone who can’t afford your
visits and you would like to continue the relationship, take
gifts or find some other way to compensate your host.
You could do something as simple as asking them to do
some little job for you so you could make sure they had extra
money. For women, you might suggest that the wife give you
cooking lessons or teach you how to go to market properly.
You could always buy enough groceries for two families and
share this with them. Or, you could buy them something in
which they showed a special interest. Any little thing like this
would give you the opportunity to give important, needed
gifts and not take advantage of your friend’s hospitality.

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