Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

176 CultureShock! Egypt

However, they may not know where you want to go. It is a
typical Egyptian trait to always have an answer to a question,
whether or not the respondent knows where you want to go.
It is simply not considered appropriate for most Egyptians
to say, ‘I don’t know’. Alternatively, a person may indicate
they do not understand what you are asking rather than
admit to not knowing what you are looking for. More likely,
they will point you in some direction whether it is the right
one or not. The result, of course, is you may find yourself
wandering in circles when where you wanted to go was only
a short distance from where you began. Arm yourself with
an accurate street address if you want to get good directions.
Getting to the general area of town and simply asking for a
place name results in many a wild goose chase.

and Sounds Sights, Smells

Air Pollution

With massive traffic jams and no quality control on exhaust
systems, Cairo air pollution at certain times of the year
gives you the feeling of wandering London during a heavy
fog—one that smells like exhaust fumes. Cairo’s air pollution
is the worst in Egypt. Especially in summer, when heat
inversions are common and winds from the Nile are least,
the air becomes laden with smog. From a distance, Cairo
takes on a reddish glow. Smog is distinctly less in winter than
in summer. It seems that bringing the Metro underground
railway system online has reduced the air pollution
somewhat, though smog still remains a serious problem
in Cairo.


The attitude of Egyptians towards smoking is best depicted
at a place called the Piano Bar in the World Trade Centre.
The so labelled ‘non-smoking’ area is a chair nailed to the
wall at the edge of the ceiling. Egypt is a land of smokers.
If you cannot tolerate cigarette smoke, you had best change
your ways, take plenty of antihistamines or stay out of
Egypt. There are some non-smoking areas in Egypt but few
in restaurants or most public places. A few of the better
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