Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

190 CultureShock! Egypt

You will need your passport and maybe your air or ferry post
ticket to purchase items in these shops.
Additionally, Port Said is a duty-free zone and many
Egyptians go there to purchase products that would be more
expensive elsewhere. Port Said’s shopping is not as good as
it was in the past, so unless you are planning on making
some major purchases, it may not be worth going there just
for shopping. It is, on the other hand, a delightful city and
worth the visit if you have time. Buses run from Cairo several
times per day and a daily excursion to Port Said, for whatever
reason, is quite reasonable.


A word on alcohol is pertinent at this point for one very
good reason—duty-free stores are the easiest and least
expensive place to buy imported liquor. Like many other
Muslim countries, Egypt does allow alcohol purchase and
consumption within its borders, but public drunkenness is not
acceptable behaviour under any circumstances in Egypt.
Most Muslims do not drink alcohol. Seasoned foreign
business professionals neither drink alcohol in the presence
of their Muslim associates nor serve alcohol in their homes
when entertaining locals unless they know the person drinks
alcohol. If you know your Egyptian friend or colleague drinks
alcohol, then it is like everyone else, you offer. If you drink
alcohol, it is most prudent to do so in the confines of your
home, hotel room or in a cabaret in the absence of your
non-drinking Egyptian colleagues and friends. You will gain
more respect from your Egyptian colleagues if you follow
this behaviour (even though it is certainly not required in all
situations) due to your perceived understanding and respect
for their religion and ways.
Sometimes my Egyptian friends who have travelled
outside the Middle East think all Westerners drink alcohol
and wish to show their knowledge of Western behaviour
and cultural practices. To make visitors feel welcome, a few
Egyptians will offer you alcohol or even serve it with dinner.
Again, although it is not required, you will gain more respect
if you politely decline—unless the host partakes also.
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