Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

214 CultureShock! Egypt

a consequent shift in eating patterns. Obviously, observing
the Ramadan fast during the summer increases the length
of time between meals.
As a visitor to or foreign resident in the country, you
may choose not to follow the Ramadan fast. Even so, you
should not eat in public if it can be avoided. The major
general exception to this rule revolves around tourists and
some tourist establishments. Egyptians in and around the
tourism industry acknowledge that many tourists to their
land are not Muslim. Therefore, many seek to accommodate
tourists by providing daytime meals to them throughout
this period. Most commonly, only the larger hotels and
tour ships accommodate tourists in this way. Even in
tourist areas, access to everything is limited during the
day. If you can, buy food supplies you think you will need
for the next day during the preceding evening. You should
count on finding restaurants, cafés and most business
establishments closed during most of the daylight hours
of Ramadan.
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