Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1
Enjoying Egypt 215


Several major festivals occur in Egypt. January marks the Cairo
International Book Fair and the International Documentary
and Short Film Festival. March heralds the Annual Flower
show at the Orman Gardens and the International Children’s
Film Festival. One of the most fascinating festivals, the Sham
el-Nessim (literally the ‘Scent of Spring’), actually traces its
history back to the time of the Pharaohs. In ancient days,
Egyptian men gave a lotus flower to their ladies, and families
took leisurely cruises down the Nile in flower-decorated
feluccas. Now, almost everyone celebrates the Sham el-
Nessim by having family picnics in gardens and parks along
the Nile. This traditional festival takes place on Monday
following the Coptic Easter. For horse enthusiasts, check out
the Egyptian Arabian Horse show.

Calendar of Festivals and Holidays
Coptic Christmas 7 January
Union Day 22 February
Sinai Liberation Day 25 April
Labour Day 1 May
Evacuation Day 18 June
Bank Holiday 1 July
Revolution Day 23 July
Coptic New Year 11 September
Armed Forces Day 6 October
Suez Victory Day 24 October
Victory Day 23 December


Cultural Activities

Lots of cultural activities exist in and around Egypt! You can
choose from theatre, dance, opera, symphony and cinema
(foreign and domestic).
There is something absolutely surreal about going to the
opera or symphony in Cairo. Walking through the streets of
Gezira, with a soft evening breeze blowing off the Nile never
ceases to impress me. The new Cairo Opera House (the old

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