Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1
Do’s and Don’ts 289

to drink alcohol, keep public consumption minimal. No
sense asking for contempt or trouble.
„ Don’t sit on, climb on or touch archaeological monuments.
There will likely be someone in a uniform, or a monument
guard that will tell you if you make this mistake! And, in
no uncertain terms!
„ Don’t be surprised to see Egyptian men holding hands.
Women, too, can hold hands or link arms. It doesn’t mean
they are gay.
„ Couples, don’t show too much affection in public.
Handholding is OK.
„ Don’t drive without an international driver’s licence. I still
don’t drive there, but definitely would not want to get into
an accident without a proper licence.
„ Don’t try to come close to diplomatic convoys. Just makes
sense—no sense tempting fate!
„ Don’t swim when and where a black flag is raised; it means
the surf is too rough.
„ Don’t sunbathe topless, though Western-style swimsuits
are acceptable on some beaches.
„ Don’t carry a lot of money, but do carry a lot of small
change for tips.
„ Don’t visit mosques during prayer time.
„ Women, don’t enter a mosque without covering your head.
Make sure your arms and legs are covered as well.
„ Don’t bring illegal drugs into Egypt and don’t attempt to
buy drugs there.
„ Don’t drink on the street—make sure you are at a
designated bar, disco or at a private residence—unless
you are in a tourist place where this is common.
„ Don’t smoke, eat or drink in public during the month
of Ramadan.

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