049 Cycle Touring Panama

(Leana) #1

(^60) Sambu
We were operating in low gear and when told the boat was only departing at 10
p.m., the news was taken in our stride. Unfortunately, it rained the best part of the
day, and there was little else to do but watch the Embera people paddle their
dugout canoes.
Each household had a few chickens which were, by far, the ugliest chickens. Fish
were the staple diet as riverside living made easy fishing, even if just catfish. Rice,
beans, bananas, mangoes and avocados accompanied all meals.
By late afternoon, we headed to the Doña-Dora where it required a trapeze artist’s
skills to get our stuff and ourselves onto the boat, as the sole access was via a long
and narrow gangplank. Once on the boat, we found tiny wooden cabins – six bunks
to a cabin, leaving little headroom or manoeuvring space. Most bunks were broken
and not all the beds could be used. Our fellow passengers were quite interesting,
travelling with live lizards in hessian bags, parrots in boxes and buckets of fresh
seafood. I’m not kidding you!

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