049 Cycle Touring Panama

(Leana) #1

(^80) About Panama (Please refer to the internet for a more in-depth overview)
Capital city

Panama City, Spanish Panamá or Ciudad de Panamá, is the capital of the Republic
of Panama. It’s located in the country's east-central part near the Pacific Ocean
terminus of the Panama Canal, on the Gulf of Panama.

Panama's official currency is the balboa. The exchange rate for the balboa has
always been tied to the U.S. dollar—one dollar equals one balboa. Panama does
not, however, print its own paper currency and instead uses the U.S. dollar as legal
tender. Panamanian coins come in 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50-cent pieces. They are the
same size, colour, and weight as U.S. coins and are used frequently. While shopping
or eating out, you may see prices with either a "$" or a "B/" before them,
corresponding to the dollars or balboas. They mean the same thing and have the
same value.

Panama's official and widely spoken language is Spanish. The Spanish used in
Panama is called Panamanian Spanish. Panama is home to about fourteen
languages, including those spoken by indigenous groups and immigrant
communities. The country's seven indigenous groups speak various dialects, Kuna
and Ngobe-Bugle being the most common.

Christianity is the main religion in Panama.
Location and size

Panama is located in Central America, between Colombia and Costa Rica bordering
both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean. Panama occupies the
southeastern end of the isthmus forming the land bridge between North and South
America. Area: 74,177 km².

Panama has a population of 4,314,767, with a density of 58 per Km2.
Internet coverage

Internet services are also widely available, particularly in town areas.

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