(^82) Travel Tips
Weather Overview
The climate in Panama is tropical, thus hot all year round. The main difference is
found in the rain. From May to November, the southwest currents predominate,
which bring abundant rainfall, especially on the southern side exposed to the Pacific
Ocean; it also rains on the north side and can be considered the rainy season. From
December to April, the northeastern trade winds prevail, which bring abundant
rainfall on the north side overlooking the Caribbean Sea, especially in the first part
(December-January), which is the dry season. The rains mainly occur in the form of
torrential downpours or thunderstorms, usually in the afternoon or evening, but
they can continue even in the early hours of the night. Temperatures vary little
throughout the year; however, the coolest months, or rather the least hot, are
usually October and November, at the end of the rainy season. However, the
humidity during this period makes the heat unpleasant. The hottest months are
typically March and April, before the rainy season.
Festivals & Religious Ceremonies
New Year's Day (Año Nuevo) January 1
Martyrs' Day (Día de los Mártires) January 9
Good Friday (Viernes Santo) March/April
Labor Day (Día del Trabajo) May 1
Founding of Old Panama (Aniversario de Panamá La Vieja; Panama City only)
August 15
Independence Day (Día de la Independencia) November 3
First Call for Independence (Primer Grito de la Independencia) November 10
Independence from Spain (Independencia de Panamá de España) November 28
Mother's Day (Día de la Madre) December 8
Christmas Day (Día de la Navidad) December 25
Visas and border crossings
Always check the embassy website of the country you visit for visa requirements
and border crossing procedures as these can change unexpectedly.
At the time of writing, the following applied:
Most visitors don't need a visa for Panama; please check their website.
There are three border crossings between Costa Rica and Panama. Most travellers
cross at Paso Canoas (gateway: David). Note that Panama is always one hour
ahead of Costa Rica. You'll need a passport and an onward ticket to enter Panama
from Costa Rica. Some nationalities may require a visa. If you enter Costa Rica, you
can also be asked for an onward ticket. Buying a return bus ticket to Panama is
acceptable if you do not possess one.