Culture Shock! Bolivia - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Grace) #1
Enjoying Bolivia 223

bedrock polished smooth by centuries of winds. When the
moon is absent, the village and waves are eclipsed by a sky
whose brilliance is unknown at lower altitudes and would
have inspired ‘Starry Night II’ from Van Gogh.
With the arrival of rudimentary hostels and small snack
stands, campers may no longer need to be housed in private
homes, and homestay adventures may shift to smaller islands
in the lake.
Before the more adventurous sorts reject a formalised
tour of the island, it must be noted that some La Paz tour
companies offer options with both adventuring and respect
for the visited culture in mind, whether one sleeps and eats
in a simple yacht or is introduced to local facilities in a
mellow way that does not upset that balance of life on
the island.
Tours allow for acceptable access to local homes, shamans
and native musicians. Guides fl uent in Aymara can help
bridge the wide culture gap, providing lessons in ethnic
studies along the way.
Tours to Island of the Sun can be combined with visits to
smaller islands, villages on the Peruvian side of the lake or

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