Culture Shock! Bolivia - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Grace) #1
224 CultureShock! Bolivia

to Copacabana.
If you’re on your own, you can negotiate the price of a
motorboat ride from Copacabana to Island of the Sun.
Daytime temperatures on the lake range from the 60s to
the 70s (Fahrenheit) year round while night temperatures are
cool to cold, sometimes dipping below freezing.

The Bolivian Amazon: How Rough Can it Get?

As development penetrates Bolivia’s Amazonia, natural
predators such as the jaguar become endangered species.
The delicate balance between sustainable development and
tourism practised by some Island of the Sun tour companies
departing from La Paz parallels what Fremen Tours has
accomplished in Bolivia’s Amazonian region.
As part of its adventure
incursions into the jungles of
Bolivia, Fremen has brought
rodent control experts and funded
school construction. Education
laws attempt to integrate the
vast country but also encourage

Flotel Reina de Enin tours the Mamore River exploring Bolivian Amazonia.
A combination of cruising and trekking is an ideal way to explore the more
rugged parts of Bolivia.

Before ethno- ecotourism was
conceived, forays into tropical
jungle areas were a hit-and-
miss proposition as far as
observing exotic animals or, more
importantly, achieving any type
of meaningful cultural exchange
with local inhabitants.

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