Culture Shock! Bolivia - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Grace) #1

242 CultureShock! Bolivia

The Art of Waiting

In any serious business process, much time will be spent
reading two-year-old magazines in offi ces. On average, 80
per cent of life is maintenance time. A universal talent is
to convert maintenance time into aesthetic fulfi lment. In
Bolivian offi ces, you will not be the only one in limbo. What
better time to initiate a conversation with companions in
waiting? Offi ce personnel may gladly join in. Subjects range
from predictions on various elections or football matches to
suggestions for weekend getaways.
After an hour of reading last year’s stock quotations, the
person you need to see urgently may come out of a meeting
and ask, apologetically, if you can return in the afternoon,
or better yet, tomorrow. In Bolivia, simple procedures for
getting things done do not always exist, and if this person is
in a position of responsibility, he has probably been hit with
an unanticipated crisis.
In such cases, I have been pleasantly rewarded by
postponing my business and returning at a more favourable
time. Some of my most enduring contacts are with people

Whether waiting for the fi esta to begin or for a business contact, patience
will be rewarded in Bolivia.
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